Riga Seven dwarfs rogainings (02.11.24)

Programme   Getting there and competition center   Map and legends


At the gates of Riga lies a village named "Dwarfs" (Rūķīši) where a craftsman from the Ukrainian diaspora - Nikolai Kolotilo - has built a fairy tale "town" - Kolotilovka - an island shaped like the contour of Latvia population by witch-houses, a Trojan horse, mythological sculptures. In the future there are plans to decorate each corner of this mini-Latvia according to five ethnographic regions of Latvia. Further in the forest he dug a string of small lakelets: the largest is named Snow White, the smaller - seven dwarfs.


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Time Actity
09:30 Begins issue of competitor bibs and maps
11:00 Start for 6h rogaining (participants of the Rogaining hike can start the distance from 11:00 to 13:00)
11:30 Start for 3h MTB rogaining
12:00 Start for 4h rogaining
13:00 Start for 2h rogaining, 2h rogaining run un 2h rogaining walk
14:30 Control time end for 3h MTB rogaining
15:00 Control time end for 2h rogaining un  2h rogaining run
16:00 Control time end for 4h rogaining
17:00 Control time end for 6h rogaining un Rogaining hike
17:10 Begins prize giving for classes. INTERVALS.LV lottery withr Garmin and other prizes.


Competition center will be located near shopping center "Ozols"

Getting to the competition center: 

Map and legends