Baloži Kūdras bānīša rogainings (18.05.24)

Programme   Getting there and competition center   Map and legends


For centuries, Riga was protected from the south by huge swamps, which the enemies could only cross in the white and fluffy winter snow. However, in 1898, the forest manager of the city of Riga, Eižens Ostvalds, decided to drain the Medema swamp, digging an 8 km long canal and draining its waters into the Daugava. In 1947, the peat factory "Baloži" was established in the drained swamp, around which a workers' village was built in the style of Stalin's classicism. Peat was transported from the swamp to the Jelgava railway by a small farmer. The length of narrow-gauge roads reached up to 28 km, of which only 2.5 km have survived today. as well as a wide collection of locomotives and wagons, which is maintained by "Bānīša Draugu klubs".


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Time Actity
10:30 Begins issue of competitor bibs and maps
12:00 Start for 6h rogaining (participants of the Rogaining hike can start the distance from 11:00 to 13:00)
12:30 Start for 3h MTB rogaining
13:00 Start for 4h rogaining
13:30 Start for 2h rogaining, 2h rogaining run un 2h rogaining walk
15:30 Control time end for 3h MTB rogaining
16:00 Control time end for 2h rogaining un  2h rogaining run
17:00 Control time end for 4h rogaining
18:00 Control time end for 6h rogaining un Rogaining hike
18:10 Begins prize giving for classes. INTERVALS.LV lottery withr Garmin and other prizes.


Competition center will be located near Balozi Secondary School.

Getting to the competition center: 


If you want fans to follow you during the race, watching on the big screen in the center of the race, or after the race to analyze your (or your competitors') wandering around the right checkpoint, use the MapRun smartphone application:


Since this year in all stages you will also be able to ride a bicycle in the MTB group - for the convenience of cyclists, asphalted (brown) and unasphalted fast/medium/slow/very slow (the more bumpy, the slower) black roads and trails will be sorted on the map. The tracks of the tractor equipment shown with the narrow stiga symbol will be useless for cyclists, but pedestrians can try to get out.

Already last year, we tried representing the vegetation as close as possible to the gradual transitions observed in nature from very young to young, to medium and old forest, using 4 different colors: green, lighter, very light and white, which orienteers are already used to on their maps. But this time they will not represent the runability, but only the age of the forest stand. Such a finer representation of the forest is possible thanks to the laser point cloud data published by the Latvian Geospatial Information Agency, which can be downloaded for free and map layers can be generated from them.

We remind you that the areas marked with olive green in the standard orientation signs are closed to participants. On the other hand, we painted the closed roads red. Even if it is not marked on the map, but you see a "Private property" or "No entry" sign in nature, please follow it and choose another path. Of course, first of all, the organizers themselves will try to plan the checkpoints in such a way that reaching them does not affect the rights of private owners.

The height curves will be with a relatively fine step of 2 m, so that you don't accidentally jump to the highest "mountains" of Riga, but appreciate them from the foot to the very top.


Participants receive a race card when registering in the registration tent on the morning of the race. The cards will be moisture resistant, but each participant is responsible for keeping the card in wet conditions. The scale of the map is 1:20,000 or 1 cm = 200 m in nature. Size 62 x 43 cm (take this into account when choosing a bike card holder).


Familiarize yourself with checkpoint legends or location descriptions! Although in any case you should look for an object located in the center of the circle, the legends explain more precisely whether you should look for the north or south side of the building, etc. Some of the locations of the checkpoints are so legendary that we had to decipher them in order not to remember them ahead of time. Tomer You can try to remember them even now. You will find out the correct answers on April 1 before the start, when you receive a card with checkpoints.

Nr. Kontrolpunkta vieta / Checkpoint location Nr. Kontrolpunkta vieta / Checkpoint location
10 R ūdensbedre / W water hole 45 Piestātnes drupu gals / End of dock ruin
11 Drupu Z puse / N side of ruin 46 Koku ieloka Z pusē / N side of tree fold
20 Grāvju krustojums / Ditch junction 47 ZR koks / NW koks
21 ZR deguns / NW spur 48 Z grāvja D gals / S end of N ditch
22 ZA ieloks / NE fold 49 Ieplaka / Depression
23 R ieloks / W fold 50 ZR ieloks / NW fold
24 Ieplaka / Depression 51 Ieplakas DR gals / SW end of depression
25 A grāvī, 40 m no gala / In E ditch, 40 m from end 52 Grāvī, 40 m no gala / In ditch, 40 m from end
26 Bedre / Pit 53 Sekla grāvja ZA gals / NE end of shallow ditch
27 Zemākais deguns / Lower spur 54 DR ieloks / SW fold
30 ZR kokaudzes ielokā / NW wood fold 55 Krūms krastā / Shrub on bank
31 Grāvja ZA gals / NE end of ditch 56 Grāvja ieteka dīķī / Ditch exit into pond
32 Sekla ieplaka / Shallow depression 57 Dīķa DA stūris / SE corner of pond
33 Z koku rindas D gals / S end of N tree row 58 Zemesceļa gals / End of track
34 Ieloks / Fold 59 Klajuma Z stūris / N corner of open area
35 Pārliecies koks R krastā / Tree leaning over W bank 60 Purva saliņa / Islet in swamp
36 Koka konstrukcija / Wooden installation 61 Vaļņa viduspunkts / Midpoint of earth wall
37 Lēzena valnīša D gals / S end of gentle earth wall 62 Mikropaugura R nogāze / W slope of knoll
38 Z deguns / N spur 63 Krūmu puduris purvā / Scrub in bog
39 Priežu audzes A gals / E end of pine copse 64 Koku rindas R gals / W end of tree row
40 DA ieloks / SE fold 65 DA koks / SE tree
41 Grāvju savienojums / Ditch junction 66 Lielāks koks / Larger tree
42 ZA grāvju savienojums / NE ditch junction 67 DR dīķa ZR stūris / NW corner of SW pond
43 Taku DR savienojums / SW path junction 70 Tranšeju savienojums / Trench junction
44 Kupls krūms / Bushy shrub 71 ZA lielais koks / NE bigger tree
Finišs zem arkas / Finish under arch
* Z - ziemeļu, R - rietumu, A - austrumu, D - dienvidu / N - northern, W - western, E - eastern, S - southern